Bird food:
- Bayberry fruit: bluebirds, brown thrashers, Carolina chickadees, catbirds, dowitchers, mockingbirds, mottled ducks, red-cockaded woodpeckers, robins, ruby-crowned kinglets, titmice, tree swallows, towhees, yellow-rumped warblers, others
- Wax myrtle berries: bluebirds, bobwhites, brown thrashers, catbirds, Carolina chickadees, red-bellied woodpeckers, ruby-crowned kinglets, white-eyed vireos, yellow-rumped warblers, tree swallows, others
Butterfly larval food: Red-banded Hairstreak
Wildlife food
name | area | flower & fruit | season | other |
Wax myrtle Myrica cerifera | NCS | inconspicuous waxy gray | SpSuF FW | s/t  |
Northern bayberry Myrica heterophylla | NC | yellowish white waxy blue | Sp FW | s/t |
Codes: |
N=north C=central S=south |
Sp=spring Su=summer F=fall W=winter |
a=annual b=biennial p=perennial s=shrub t=tree v=vine |
i=invasive ta=toxic to animals th=toxic to humans |