Bluebirds, Robins, and Thrushes forage on the ground and don't often visit feeders. Robins may be attracted to feeders by fruit. Bluebirds do use nest boxes placed where large open areas meet woodlands. All feed primarily on insects in the spring and summer and fruits and berries during the fall and winter. Thrushes spend much of their time foraging on or close to the ground. Hermit Thrushes are more common in north Florida. |
name | area | season | diet/native food plants |
Eastern Bluebird | NCS | SpSuFW-B | insects, fruit bayberry, blackberry,blueberry, crabapple, dewberry, dogwood, elderberry, Florida privet, grape, greenbrier, hackberry, holly, huckleberry, mulberry, persimmon, red cedar, redbay, sassafras, serviceberry, tupelo, viburnum, Virginia creeper, wax myrtle |
American Robin | N CS | SpSuFW-B SpFW | insects, fruit bayberry, beautyberry, cabbage palm, grape, greenbrier, hackberry, holly, persimmon, pigeon plum, red cedar, redbay, sea grape |
Hermit Thrush | NCS | SpFW | insects, fruit dogwood, greenbrier, holly, serviceberry, sumac |
Wood Thrush | N CS | SpSuF-B SpF | insects, fruit blackberry, grape, greenbrier, highbush blueberry, laurel, serviceberry, tupelo |
Sp=spring Su=summer F=fall W=winter B=breeds in Florida during season(s) underlined M=Migrant |