Bird food goldfinches, indigo buntings
- Coreopsis seeds: songbirds
- Goldenrod seeds: pine siskins, yellow-rumped warblers
- Rudbeckia seeds: many birds
- Sunflower seeds: blue jays, bobwhites, Carolina chickadees, doves, meadowlarks, nuthatches, pine siskins, red-bellied woodpeckers, sparrows, titmice, white-breasted nuthatches, yellow-rumped warblers
Butterfly larval food: Dainty Sulphur, Pearl Crescent
Butterfly nectar food: Buckeye, Dina Yellow, Florida White, Mimosa Yellow, Monarch, Pearl Crescent, Phaon Crescent, Silvery Checkerspot, Snout, Viceroy
- Spanish needles: Amethyst Hairstreak, Barred Yellow, Bartram's Scrub-Hairstreak, Cassius Blue, Ceraunus Blue, Fulvous Hairstreak, Great Purple Hairstreak, Great Southern White, Gulf Fritillary, Julia, Lyside Sulphur, Martial Scrub-Hairstreak, Miami Blue, Pearl Crescent, Queen, Sleepy Orange, Southern Hairstreak, Sweadner's Juniper Hairstreak, Tiny Hairstreak, White Peacock, Zebra Longwing
name | area | flower & fruit | season | other |
Climbing aster Aster caroliniensis | NCS | lavender-blue | SuF | p |
Walter's aster Aster walteri | NCS | deep blue | SuF | p |
Spanish needles Bidens pilosa | NCS | white | SpSuF | a, i  |
Sea oxeye daisy Borrichia frutescens | NCS | yellow | SpSuFW | p |
Florida Paintbrush Carphephorus corymbosus | NCS | lavender | F | p |
Thistle Cirsium spp. | NCS | many | SpSuF | b |
Tick-seed Coreopsis spp. | NCS | yellow | SpSuFW | p  |
Purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea | NCS | purple | Su | p  |
Mistflower Eupatorium coelestinum | NCS | blue | SuF | p  |
Gaillardia Gaillardia pulchella | NC | various | SpSu | a  |
Garberia Garberia fruticosa | NC | pink | F | s |
Narrow-leaved sunflower Helianthus angustifolius | NCS | yellow, red-purple | SuF | p |
Beach sunflower Helianthus debilis | NCS | yellow, red-purple | SpSuFW | a  |
Blazing star Liatris spp. | NCS | many | SuF | p  |
Silkgrass Pityopsis graminifolia | NCS | yellow | SuF | p |
Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta | NCS | yellow | SpSuF | b  |
Goldenrod Solidago fistulosa | NCS | yellow | SuF | p |
Stoke's aster Stokesia laevis | NC | various | SpSuF | p  |
Codes: |
N=north C=central S=south |
Sp=spring Su=summer F=fall W=winter |
a=annual b=biennial p=perennial s=shrub t=tree v=vine |
i=invasive ta=toxic to animals th=toxic to humans |