Swallowtails Papilionidae Large, most are black and yellow, most have tails on hind wings. | |||
name | range & habitat |
active & broods |
adult & larval foods |
Pipevine Swallowtail Battus philenor ![]() |
central, north gardens, fields, bushy areas, woods |
Feb-Nov 3 |
pink, purple, orange flowers pipevines |
Gold Rim Battus polydamas |
north, central gardens, fields, pine woods |
all year many |
Lantana pipevines |
Zebra Swallowtail Eurytides marcellus |
statewide woods along streams & rivers |
Mar-Dec 1-3 |
variety of plants pawpaws |
Androgeus Swallowtail Papilio androgeus |
south orange groves, woods |
Mar-Nov many |
flowers, mud orange trees |
Schaus' Swallowtail Papilio aristodemus |
Keys woods |
May-Jul 1-2 |
bay trees, torchwood, wild lime |
Giant Swallowtail Papilio cresphontes |
statewide citrus groves, woods |
all year many |
flowers, manure citrus |
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Papilio glaucus |
statewide except Keys woodland edges |
Mar-Nov several |
flowers, mud, carrion ash, hornbeams, plums, tuliptree |
Palamedes Swallowtail Papilio palamedes |
statewide except Keys woods, swamps |
Mar-Dec many |
flowers, mud bay trees |
Black Swallowtail Papilio polyxenes |
statewide gardens, fields |
all year 2-3 |
flowers carrot family, parsley |
Spicebush Swallowtail Papilio troilus |
statewide except Miami woods |
Mar-Dec 2-3 |
flowers, mud spicebush, sassafras, bay trees, pines, wild lime |