Killdeer inhabit fields, pastures, and suburbs. Migrant killdeer increase populations during the winter. Killdeer nest in shallow depressions in the ground often in the open and far from water. Gravel and pebbles may be used as camouflage. If threatened, a parent will feign a broken wing to distract the predators. Black-bellied Plovers migrate to Florida coastal regions and sometimes to large lakes inland. Populations are greatest during fall and winter. They return to the Arctic tundra to breed. The less common Snowy Plover and Wilson's Plover are also residents, both found along the coasts. Migrant plovers include the Lesser-Golden Plover, the Semipalmated Plover, and the Piping Plover. The Piping Plover and the southeastern subspecies of the Snowy Plover are threatened species. The Piping Plover suffered serious declines in the early 1900's when it was hunted for its feathers which were used to decorate hats. Development along the coasts further threatened its survival. The latter is also the primary threat to the Snowy Plover. |
name | area | season | diet/native food plants |
Killdeer | NCS | SpSuFW-B | insects* |
Black-bellied Plover | NCS | SpSuFW | insects* |
Sp=spring Su=summer F=fall W=winter B=breeds in Florida during season(s) underlined M=Migrant |